
Learn the definition and meaning of Laggards along with an example

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A startup not only offers a fresh solution but also changes the user's method of problem-solving. And a novel approach causes friction. The group of users known as laggards opposes change. As a result, they only embrace a product later. Usually, once it’s matured. The laggards have little choice but to use the product to satisfy their wants or expectations because the whole market is now attracted to it.

How is it useful?

Laggards are not impressed with innovation in products. However, they catch up when they’re left with no other option. Hence, clearly identifying laggards makes one align their energy in the correct direction. That’s to not try to optimize the product for them in the pre-mature stage of the product.


In the age of OTT platforms, watching films on DVD & the like is rare. When Netflix pivoted to the internet, a chunk of its audience might not have shifted with it. However, when all new films come to OTT first & it has almost become a norm to watch them there, and a group of movie watchers is left out with no other option than to change their habit.