Asana’s Product Spec Template

Maximize your product development success with our Asana-inspired PRD template.
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Are you looking to enhance your product development process and ensure that your team remains organized and aligned? Our PRD (Product Requirements Document) template, inspired by Asana’s approach to project management, provides a structured guide that covers all the essential elements needed to create a successful product. Whether you’re launching a new software application or refining an existing product, this template will help you navigate the complexities of product development efficiently.

What is a PRD Template?

A Product Requirements Document (PRD) template is a vital tool in the product development lifecycle. It serves as a comprehensive guide that outlines the objectives, features, and processes required to build a product that meets user needs. By following a structured PRD template, teams can ensure clear communication, alignment, and accountability throughout the development process.

How Does This Asana-Inspired PRD Template Help?

Our Asana-inspired PRD template is designed to facilitate collaboration and streamline your workflow. Here’s how each section of the template contributes to your product development:


The Background section sets the context for your product. It outlines the reason for its creation and helps stakeholders understand the landscape in which the product will operate. By providing this foundational knowledge, everyone involved can align their efforts with the product's purpose.

Problems Statement

In the Problems Statement section, you will clearly articulate the challenges and pain points that your product aims to address. This section is crucial for identifying user needs and ensuring that your product is designed with a focus on solving real problems.


The Outcomes section outlines the specific results and benefits that your product will deliver to your customers. By defining these outcomes, you can create a clear vision of success and ensure that your development efforts are targeted towards achieving these goals.


The Hypothesis section is where you outline your assumptions and predictions about how your product will meet the defined outcomes. This encourages critical thinking and helps your team to validate these assumptions through user research and testing.

Vision Narrative

In the Vision Narrative section, you will bring your product to life. This is where you provide a vivid and inspiring description of what your product will be and do. A well-crafted vision narrative helps motivate the team and keeps everyone focused on the end goal.

Scoping and Timeline

The Scoping and Timeline section outlines the scope of your product and provides a timeline for its development. This helps set clear expectations regarding what will be delivered and when, ensuring that the team stays on track throughout the project.


Identifying potential risks is critical to successful product development. The Risks section allows you to assess and document the risks associated with your product, enabling you to develop mitigation strategies and make informed decisions throughout the development process.

User Research

The User Research section provides a systematic approach to gathering customer feedback. By ensuring that your product meets user needs, this section helps to validate your assumptions and make data-driven decisions that enhance product quality.

Task Management

Finally, the Task Management section enables you to keep your team organized and on track. It provides a framework for breaking down the project into actionable tasks, ensuring that every task is accounted for and completed in a timely manner.

How to Use This Template in Your Workflow

Integrating our Asana-inspired PRD template into your workflow can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your product development process. Here’s how to use the template:

Step 1: Set the Background

Begin by providing the necessary context for your product. Explain its purpose and the motivations behind its creation, ensuring that all stakeholders are on the same page.

Step 2: Define Problems and Outcomes

Clearly articulate the problems your product aims to solve and define the desired outcomes. This will help ensure that your development efforts are aligned with user needs and expectations.

Step 3: Formulate Hypotheses

Outline your assumptions about how the product will achieve the defined outcomes. This will guide your user research efforts and provide a basis for testing these hypotheses.

Step 4: Craft the Vision Narrative

Create an inspiring vision narrative that captures the essence of your product. This narrative will help rally your team and maintain focus throughout the development process.

Step 5: Scope the Project and Set a Timeline

Define the scope of the project and develop a timeline for its completion. This will help set expectations and ensure that everyone understands the project’s milestones.

Step 6: Identify Risks

Assess the potential risks associated with your product. Document these risks and develop mitigation strategies to address them proactively.

Step 7: Conduct User Research

Gather feedback from users to validate your assumptions and ensure that the product meets their needs. This will inform your design decisions and enhance the product’s overall quality.

Step 8: Manage Tasks Effectively

Use the Task Management section to break down the project into manageable tasks. Assign responsibilities and set deadlines to keep the team organized and accountable.

With our Asana-inspired PRD template, you can streamline your product development process and ensure that your efforts are guided by best practices tailored to the unique needs of your team and customers. This comprehensive template covers every essential element of product development, from defining the product's purpose to managing tasks effectively. Start using our PRD template today and transform your approach to product development, ensuring your product is a success in the marketplace.

Frequently asked questions

What is a Notion template?
A Notion template is any publicly shared page in Notion that can be duplicated. They allow you to duplicate other workflows and systems that you want to use.
How to duplicate a template?
After your purchase, you will receive a template link. Open the link, then click on duplicate on the top right corner, then choose the workspace you'd like to duplicate into. If you're logged out or don't have a Notion account, you'll be prompted to sign in or create one first.
Do I need to pay for Notion to use a template?
No. You will just need a free account plan in Notion to use a template.

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