Founder-specific events across online & in-person formats


Founder-specific events across online & in-person formats
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Are you eager to soundboard your ideas or connect with folks who share your entrepreneurial spirit? Wondering how events could amplify your journey as a founder? Dive into our specially curated lineup, designed just for founders like you. From engaging Founder Circle events and in-depth masterclasses to intimate meetups, our community thrives on collaboration and learning. Plus, we don't just network—we celebrate every milestone with enthusiasm because your success is our celebration.

Where it started to become even close-knit.

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Masterclass events that are only open to founders inside GrowthX's founder-circle. Ask questions in a safe space built exclusively for founders.

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Breakfast dates that connect founders to seasoned founders within the community.

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Celebrations at the fundraises, revenue milestones & even with companies ‌do buybacks & acquisitions.

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Written by

Shree Nanavaty
Shree Nanavaty

Building the GrowthX Club