Learn revenue led growth in Bengaluru

Watch top growth leaders showcase revenue strategies for

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GrowthX does not generate any revenue from this. All fees go towards paying the venue and food
Demo Day showcase problem statements
fabhotel logo
Go from ARR ₹219 Cr to ARR ₹420 Cr in the next 12 months
Acquire 1 Lakh paying users in India in 12 months
inshorts logo
Scale from ₹181 Cr to ₹300 Cr in the next one year
Make Logo
Scale Make from $40 M → $80 M in the next 1 year
perfora logo
Go from ₹15 Cr to ₹50 Cr ARR maintaining losses in 1 year
stable money logo
Go from ₹250 Cr to ₹1000 Cr AUM in the next 1 year
topmate logo
Go from an ARR of ₹0.5 Cr to ₹5.5 Cr in the next 12 months
ultrahuman logo
$14.2 Million to $30 Million in the next one year
yellowAI Logo
Go from $32 Million → $100 Million in the next one year
Go from ARR ₹846 Cr to ₹2400 in the next 12 months

Watch top growth leaders showcase revenue strategies for

Experience Demo Day in person

What will you learn?

Learn key levers to revenue that you can

implement the next Monday morning.

Outcome 1
How to convert free users to paid customers?
Outcome 2
How to cross-sell & up-sell to increase ARPU?
Outcome 3
How to design low CAC distribution channels?
Outcome 4
How to retain the most profitable customers?
Outcome 5
How to design growth model for revenue scale?
Outcome 6
How to define & expand your Ideal Customer Profile?
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Who should attend?

Founders & CXOs
Learn nuanced approach to revenue growth with product & marketing levers.
Understand distribution + pricing strategy on and off the product.
Product builders
Learn nuanced approach to PLG, figure the right structure to monetisation GTM.
Startup operators
Learn core components of product & marketing that drive overall revenue growth.

An immersive cinematic experience*

This premium auditorium is equipped with the latest Dolby Sound system, ensuring a truly immersive and unparalleled cinematic experience.
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*This experience is exclusive for Bengaluru.

You will learn executable strategies that have impacted real revenue.